Emergency care
An emergency is different for each pet owner. This could be range from a broken toenail for one person to another family whose companion is frantically having seizures.
If you believe you have a possible emergency crisis, you MUST contact a skilled emergency veterinarian to either confirm or alleviate your concerns. Example of situations that are frequently experienced by pet owners that constitute veterinary medical emergencies include but are not limited to this list:
"Hit-by-Car" Traumas
Porcupine Quill Impalement
Eye Traumas
Heat Stroke
Uncontrollable Hemorrhaging
Repetitive Vomiting
Respiratory Distress
Uncontrollable Pain
Self-mutilation Skin Problems
Urinary Blockage or Discomfort
Stomach Bloating/Torsions
Fractured Bones
Protracted Birthing of Fetuses
What Should You Do?
(530) 550-8660
If you need a Truckee Vet. Lake Tahoe Vet or Carson Valley Vet for an emergency during normal business hours contact CritterCare Mobile Veterinary Clinic at our business number (530) 550-8660.
If you are unable to reach us, due to your having an after-hours emergency or we are currently providing service to another pet owner, or out of the area. However, you can still contact us in case of an emergency by calling our 24 hour emergency paging service at:
(775) 352-5216
Following the retrieval of your page someone from CritterCare will contact you as soon as possible. It is important that you do not occupy the telephone number you left on CritterCare's Emergency Pager voice mail. This will impede our ability to contact you following your request for emergency assistance.
CritterCare Mobile Veterinary Clinic's veterinarian has nearly twenty years of experience in the field of emergency medicine and has witness thousands of complicated and challenging patients. Rapid and experienced veterinary medical care can make the difference in achieving pet owner's goals.
Full disclosure
There are times when either we are out of the area or unable to retrieve emergency pages due to the lack of available cell service. In these cases, if you have not been contacted by someone from CritterCare Mobile Veterinary Clinic within 15 minutes, follow the guidelines below.
Alternative Emergency Care
Occasionally other commitments create times when we are not immediately available for an emergency. There are two other possibilities to ensure CritterCare provides pet owners options in times of crisis. These are:
Blue Pearl Sierra Veterinary Specialist and Emergency Clinic (775) 358-8555
Animal Emergency Center of Reno, (775) 851-3600